“Biyahe ni Drew” a Philippine television travel documentary show aired on GMA News TV and...
Helicopter Island Helicopter Island, locally known as “Dilumacad Island,” earned its nickname due to its...
Talisay Beach Talisay Beach on Tapiutan Island, Palawan, may not be as well-known as some...
Hidden Beach Hidden Beach is surrounded by limestone rock formations, creating a natural infinity pool...
Matinloc Shrine Matinloc Shrine, situated in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, is a captivating destination renowned...
Secret Beach Secret Beach is known for its secluded and hidden location. To reach the...
Popolkan Island Tucked away in the unspoiled seas of El Nido, Popolkan Island features soaring...
Snake Island The island offers a viewpoint, often reached by a short hike, providing panoramic...
Pinagbuyutan Beach Reconsidering Tour B in El Nido, this tour is a hidden gem worth...
Cudugnon Cave Cudugnon Cave is located on the western side of Palawan, in close proximity...
Cathedral Cave Cudugnon Cave in El Nido, Palawan, is a captivating geological wonder that adds...
7 Commando Beach A tropical paradise, 7 Commando Beach is tucked away amid the alluring...
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